Friday, September 24, 2010

When I Grow Up...

You know... When I was a kid... And even now a days... I used to daydream about me in the future... I'd come home from working, and my kids would come hug me, and welcome me home... Then I'd sit us all down to dinner and we'd eat as a family... My wife would get up the do the dishes, and I'd stop her in her tracks, lift her up and carry her all the way to the living room and tell her to rest, and that I'd do the dishes and clean up. I read a story recently... About a man who was driving with his pregnant wife... Then a bunch of drunk guys in a car crashed into their car. He positioned the car so that he would take all the impact and die, but his wife would be safe and unharmed... And then I cried... Because I realized, at that moment, I would be the most frightened man in the world, but I would take that sacrifice... And I would hold my wife's hand and close my eyes as I moved on with her love in my heart as I passed away...